You want a booking system in order to sell your services online.
We are independent, freelance, website developers. We can not only build you a bespoke online booking system website, but can also optimise your website in order for it to be found on all popular search engines.
You don't want it to cost the earth
We pride ourselves on offering excellent value for money.
Our 'Online Bookings'' website costs are extremely competitive.
The reason this package does not have a fixed price, is because booking systems can vary dramatically. This can depend on the number of services you offer and additional functionality required. You may want to offer recurring appointments, or discounts for multiple bookings, all of which we can offer. We quote individually for building online booking system websites as they can be far more involved , with plenty of scope for additional functionality, depending on your requirements. Businesses can end up paying £1,000’s in order to create a large scale, fully optimised, fully functional, booking website. Don’t let this put you off though, as the majority of our online booking systems will cost considerably less than this.
Please note : We offer a full range of options for online booking systems, and can build anything you require. Contact us for a free, no obligation quote.
We are also able to write your content for you if necessary and source royalty free stock images, this can also be included in your quotation.
You will receive a quotation specific to the website and functionality that you require.

Sell your services online

Paws 2 Pasture
One of our online Booking systems.

We register the website domain name of your choice, or find the best available alternative. Then we get to work planning and designing the site YOU want. With this option you get a bespoke homepage, an ‘about you’ page, as well as category pages and a product page of your choice. We can add a blog page to your site ,so that you are able to can keep your customers up to date. We will also create a logo for your new e-commerce website, if required.
We create the menu structure the pages of your preference. This will include a menu suitable for all mobile devices. Each page will be fully optimised for the services that you offer. This means anyone searching for a service that you offer, will be able to find them on your website through a search engine.
Once the design is finished and created we then go about optimising your website. This is commonly known as SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). This part of the build ensures that your website ranks well on all major search engines. We optimise all pages and categories using the most relevant search terms for your business. Search terms are the phrases customers use in order to find your website online, for instance ‘Online Boutique in Leicestershire’.
We create your required booking page layout. This will include image layout and whatever service information you require. We then setup your site in order to accept card payments. You will require a payment portal account in order to do this, but don't worry if you don't have one, we can help you with this.
We then set up your business Email account, which can also be chosen by you, however this will be something like ‘’ We can then either give you access to this email account, or auto forward all email to another email address of your choice.

We use Woo-commerce software to set up your online booking system. Woo-commerce uses PayPal as your standard payment gateway. Setting your website up to receive PayPal payments is included in this package. However, if you wish to use a different payment portal, this will have to be quoted separately.

What you end up with :
A bespoke online booking website layout and menu structure linked to a PayPal account in order to take payments.
A fully optimised website enabling potential customers to find your business and product categories online.
A business Email account.
Access to your WordPress admin page in order to manage your new online appointment booking system.
Additional Functionality
There are a whole host of extra functions that can be added to your booking website. You may want to offer discounts or recurring bookings, you may even want to run a voucher code system. The good news is that all these functions are available, however the bad news is that these would come at an extra cost. This is due to the fact that these functions would need to be purchased and then setup, or possibly even written specifically for your website.
The fact is, we can create basically anything that you require, but this would need to be quoted for and agreed before I start your build.