Mobile App
You want a mobile app
You don't want to pay £1000's
We've got you covered
Having a mobile app is a fantastic way of retaining customers. Convenience is more important than ever, with everyone leading such busy lives nowadays. Having our favourite apps to hand is a way of life in the modern world in which we live. Creating an app can be quite a costly affair with some apps costing upwards of tens of thousands of pounds. On top of this cost there is a yearly charge for offering your app on the app stores. All in all the costs involved have made having an app almost impossible for the majority of small businesses.
Until now that is.
We offer the opportunity for your business to have an app as well as a fantastic responsive website. Our app solution provides a mobile app which can be downloaded directly from your website. This means customer who want to use your services regularly can download your app onto their mobile device. Your business will be just a touch the touch of a button away at all times. This is the cheapest way of owning and running your own app as the setup cost is relatively cheap and there are no yearly subscriptions to pay to the app stores.
If you would like your app to be available on the app stores, we are able to offer this service. The cost for this option is significantly higher and you would also have the annual fees to pay, on top of the initial setup costs.